{ "add": "Add", "alarm": "Alarm", "allTypes": "All Types", "analogChannel": "Analog Camera", "audioDetection": "Audio Exception Detection", "audioOn": "Audio On", "auto": "Auto", "auxFocus": "Auxiliary Focus", "cancel": "Cancel", "capture": "Capture", "captureFailed": "Capture failed.", "captureSucceeded": "Capture succeeded.", "channelNo": "Channel No.", "command": "Command", "config": "Configuration", "confirm": "Confirm", "confirmLogout": "Logout?", "continuous": "Continuous", "country": "Country", "createFileFailed": "Fail to create a file.", "custom": "Custom", "delete": "Delete", "deleteSuccess": "Deleted.", "digitalChannel": "IP Camera", "disable": "Disable", "disableZoom": "Stop Digital Zoom", "downloadPlugin": "Please click here to download and install the plug-in. Close the browser when installing the plug-in.", "enable": "Enable", "enableZoom": "Start Digital Zoom", "endTime": "End Time", "event": "Event", "excutePreset": "Call", "faceDetection": "Face Detection", "fastMoveDetect": "Fast Moving Detection", "focus": "Focus", "fullFrameRate": "Full Frame Rate", "fullScreen": "Full Screen", "help": "Help", "high": "High", "intrusionDetect": "Intrusion Detection", "invalidOperation": "Invalid operation.", "iris": "Iris", "items": "Items", "lensInit": "Lens Initialization", "light": "Light", "logout": "Logout", "loiterDetect": "Loitering Detection", "low": "Low", "mainStream": "Main Stream", "manual": "Manual", "medium": "Medium", "menu": "Menu", "minute": "minute(s)", "motionDect": "Motion Detection", "motion": "Motion", "motionAndAlarm": "Motion & Alarm", "motionOrAlarm": "Motion | Alarm", "moveDown": "Move Down", "moveUp": "Move Up", "mute": "Mute", "noEnoughSpace": "No enough space.", "noPermission": "No permission.", "noPlugin": "No plug-in detected.", "noRecordFiles": "No record file.", "notSupport": "The camera does not support the function.", "nullTips": "The item cannot be empty.", "objectRemovalDetect": "Object Removal Detection", "ok": "OK", "openSoundFailed": "Audio on failed.", "parkDetect": "Parking Detection", "passNotMatch": "Passwords do not match.", "password": "Password", "path": "Path", "patrol": "Patrol", "patrolPath": "Patrol Path", "patrolSpeed": "Speed", "pattern": "Pattern", "pause": "Pause", "peopleGatherDetect": "People Gathering Detection", "picture": "Picture", "playSnapShot": "Playback Capture", "playback": "Playback", "preset": "Preset", "preview": "Live View", "previewFailed": "Live view failed.", "ptz": "PTZ", "ptzSpeed": "PTZ Speed", "regionEntranceDetect": "Region Entrance Detection", "regionExitDetect": "Region Exiting Detection", "sTimeEarlierETime": "The start time should be earlier than the end time.", "sTimeLaterETime": "The start time cannot be later than or equal to end time.", "sceneChangeDetection": "Scene Change Detection", "pir": "PIR Alarm", "wlsensor": "Wireless Alarm", "callhelp": "Emergency Alarm", "intelligent": "VCA Recording", "search": "Search", "searchRecordFailed": "Failed to search video files.", "searching": "Searching...", "seconds": "s", "serialNumber": "No.", "set": "Set", "start": "Start", "start3DZoom": "Start 3D Zoom", "startManualTrack": "Start Manual Tracking", "startRecording": "Start recording", "startTime": "Start Time", "stop": "Stop", "stop3DZoom": "Stop 3D Zoom", "stopManualTrack": "Stop Manual Tracking", "stopRecording": "Stop recording", "streamType": "Stream Type", "subStream": "Sub-stream", "talkChannel": "Two-way Audio Channel", "thirdStream": "Third Stream", "time": "Time", "tip": "Note", "total": "Total", "track": "Pattern", "transcodedStream": "Transcoded Stream", "unattendedBaggageDetect": "Unattended Baggage Detection", "updateNotWin32": "New version of plug-in is detected, please contact your vendor to update.", "updatePlugin": "A new version of plug-in is available. Outdated plug-in may restrict certain functions. Update now?", "username": "User Name", "wiper": "Wiper", "zoom": "Zoom", "fileName": "File Name", "fileSize": "File Size", "blackType": "Black List", "browse": "Browse", "captureTime": "Capture Time", "ceiling": "Ceiling", "cleanup": "Clear", "deviceError": "Device error.", "deviceNo": "Device No.", "direction": "Direction", "download": "Download", "export": "Export", "faceCapture": "Face Capture", "friday": "Fri", "hardware": "Hardware", "height": "Height", "import": "Import", "lineCrossDetect": "Line Crossing Detection", "methodError": "Method error.", "monday": "Mon", "mountType": "Mount Type", "noMoreLength": "Length cannot exceed %s", "notChar": "Invalid characters", "notZhChar": "The item cannot contain such character(s).", "off": "OFF", "paramError": "Parameter error.", "parkingType": "Parking", "plateNo": "Plate No.", "positionNo": "Camera No.", "rebootDeviceTip": "Do you want to reboot the unit?", "rebooting": "Rebooting...", "saturday": "Sat", "saveSucceeded": "Save succeeded.", "setParamFailed": "Failed to set parameters.", "software": "Software", "sunday": "Sun", "table": "Table", "thursday": "Thu", "tuesday": "Tue", "uploadPicture": "Upload Picture", "wall": "Wall", "wednesday": "Wed", "whiteType": "White List", "width": "Width", "all": "All", "downloadFailed": "Downloading failed.", "emergencyAlarm": "Emergency Alarm", "pirAlarm": "PIR Alarm", "plateNumber": "Plate No.", "provinceAbbreviation": "Province/State Abbreviation", "searchConditions": "Search Conditions", "HVTVehicleType": "Type", "vehicleDetection": "Vehicle Detection", "wirelessAlarm": "Wireless Alarm", "anonymous": "Anonymous", "loginError": "User name or password is incorrect.", "networkError": "Network Abnormal", "userLock": "The device is locked. Please try again after %s %s.", "camera": "Camera", "startRecord": "Start Recording", "stopRecord": "Stop Recording", "recordSucceed": "Recording succeeded.", "recordfailed": "Recording failed.", "weakPwd": "Weak", "normalPwd": "Medium", "goodPwd": "Strong", "activeDevice": "Activation", "passwordValidTips": "Valid password range [8-16]. You can use a combination of numbers, lowercase, uppercase and special character for your password with at least two kinds of them contained.", "securityStat": "Security", "waitActive": "Inactive", "weakPwdTips": "Simple", "riskPwdTips": "Your password is weak. Please use a strong password to ensure your information security. Continue?", "deviceActived": "Operation failed. The device has already been activated.", "useDefaultPwd": "Use Admin Password", "riskPwd": "Risk", "noLessLength": "Length cannot less than %s", "lastStep": "Previous", "nextStep": "Next", "numberOfPeople": "Number of People", "hvtVehicleDetection": "Mixed-traffic Detection", "application": "Application", "mutexHighFrame": "Frame rate of the capture mode should be smaller than 50fps.", "mutexSMDNoiseReduceWDROrCorridor": "Please disable the DNR, rotation and WDR in auto-switch and scheduled-switch mode, and disable the behavior detection functions such as line crossing detection, intrusion detection, etc.", "mutexWDROrCorridor": "Please disable the rotation and WDR in the auto or schedule mode.", "mutexWDRDDSOrDeHaze": "Please disable the WDR function.", "mutexDDSorDeHaze": "Please disable the slow shutter and defog function.", "mutexHLC": "Please disable the HLC function.", "mutexWDROrDeHaze": "Please disable the WDR and defog function.", "mutexImageFlip": "Please disable the mirror function.", "mutexWDR": "Please disable the WDR function in auto-switch and scheduled-switch mode.", "mutexSMD": "Please disable the behavior analysis functions first, including Line Crossing Detection, Intrusion Detection…", "mutexCount": "Please disable the Counting function first.", "mutexPDC": "Please disable the people counting function first.", "mutexLensCorrection": "Please disable the lens distortion correction function.", "mutexVehicleDetect": "Third stream cannot be used after the vehicle detection function is enabled.", "mutexFace": "Face detection cannot be enabled when either line crossing detection or intrusion detection is enabled.", "loading": "Loading...", "pluginChange": "Plug-in Switch", "pedestrian": "Pedestrian", "nonMotorVehicle": "Non-motor Vehicle", "motorVehicle": "Motor Vehicle", "picSplit": "Window Division", "startManualCapture": "Enable Manual Capture for Illegal Parking", "stopManualCapture": "Disable Manual Capture for Illegal Parking", "manualCaptureStarting": "Start Manual Capture for Illegal Parking", "month": "Month", "area": "Area", "stayTime": "Dwell Time", "directionUp": "Up", "directionDown": "Down", "directionLeft": "Left", "directionRight": "Right", "downloadSucessed": "Downloading succeeded.", "sTimeNotSameETime": "The start time can not be the same with the end time.", "thick": "Deep", "thin": "Sharp", "timeRangeValid": "Period%s start time should be earlier than the end time.", "timeSegmentOverlapped": "Period%s with period%s cannot be overlapped.", "vandalProofAlarm": "Vandal-proof Alarm", "exportOK": "Exporting succeeded.", "exportFailed": "Exporting failed.", "laneIndex": "Lane", "panoramicMap": "Panorama Map", "crosslaneDetection": "Over Lane Line", "vehicleexistDetection": "Vehicle on Non-motor Vehicle Lane", "lanechangeDetection": "Illegal Lane Change", "wrongdirectionDetection": "Converse Running", "turnroundDetection": "U-turning", "congestionDetection": "Congestion", "trafficCaptureType": "Capture Types", "trafficAllType": "All Types", "trafficEventType": "Event Types", "trafficEvidenceType": "Evidence Collecting Types", "posOn": "Display Transaction Information", "posOff": "Not Display Transaction Information", "pos": "POS", "bad": "Bad", "unknown": "Unknown", "oneKeyCruise": "One-touch Patrol", "oneKeyParkAction": "One-touch Park", "ftpDefault": "Default", "correctionMode": "Correction Mode", "showType": "Display Mode", "fisheyeMode": "Fisheye View", "fisheyePanoramaMode": "Panorama View", "fisheyePTZMode": "Fisheye+%s PTZ", "panoramaPTZMode": "Panorama+%s PTZ", "fisheyePanoramaPTZ": "Fisheye+Panorama+3PTZ", "360PanoramaPTZ": "360 Panorama+%sPTZ", "withTimeSegment": " with period ", "basicAuth": "Basic", "fourthStream": "Fourth Stream", "fifthStream": "Fifth Stream", "northeast": "East by North", "northwest": "West by North", "southeast": "East by South", "southwest": "West by South", "east": "East", "west": "West", "south": "South", "north": "North", "day": "Day", "newPwd": "New Password", "fireDet": "Fire Source Detection", "shipsDet": "Ship Detection", "pwdUserSame": "Password and user name cannot be the same.", "riskyInputPwd": "The input password is risky.", "verificationCode": "Verification Code", "illegalParking": "Illegal Parking Detection", "timeSlot": "Download by Date", "timeSlotList": "Duration List", "timeOverlapping": "The dates are duplicated or overlapped!", "questionList": { "number1": "Your father's name?", "number2": "Your mother's name?", "number3": "Your head teacher's name in senior high school?", "number4": "Your head teacher's name in junior high school?", "number5": "The name of the roommate you are most familiar with?", "number6": "Who influences you most?", "number7": "Your favorite celebrity?", "number8": "Your favorite automobile brand?", "number9": "Your favorite game?", "number10": "Your favorite book?", "number11": "Your favorite color?", "number12": "Your favorite movie?", "number13": "Your favorite flower?", "number14": "The brand of your first mobile phone?", "number15": "The destination of your first flight?" }, "securityQuestion": "Security Question", "answer": "Answer", "securityQuestionCheck": "Security Question Verification", "guidFileCheck": "GUID File Verification", "setNewPassword": "Set New Password", "reset": "Reset", "resetPassword": "Reset Password", "modifyPwd": "Modify Password", "complete": "Complete", "selectFile": "Select File", "wanNotSupportQAorGuid": "Unable to set security question or export GUID file in different local area network.", "securityQACfg": "Security Question Configuration", "exportGuidFile": "Export GUID File", "securityQuestionCfgNumError": "The answer quantity is wrong.", "neverSetQATip": "No answer is set for security question.", "securityQuestionUnMatch": "Wrong answer.", "guidFileUnmatch": "GUID file mismatches.", "resetPasswordIllegal": "Resetting password is illegal.", "waitTips": "Please wait...", "lockTimeTips": "Device will be locked after %s attempt(s).", "PTZProjection": "Panoramic View", "originalPicture": "Original View", "advReachHightType": "Climbing", "verificationCodeConfirm": "Confirm Verification Code", "privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy", "euro": "Europe Region", "russia": "CIS Region", "euroAndRussia": "EU & CIS", "forwardDir": "Forward", "reverseDir": "Reverse", "region": "Region", "reliability": "Validity", "matchResult": "Matching Result", "otherList": "Other List", "trafficAccidentDetection": "Traffic Accident Detection", "constructionDetection": "Construction Detection", "roadblockDetection": "Roadblock Detection", "thrownObjectDetection": "Thrown Object Detection", "pedestrianDetection": "Pedestrian Detection", "trafficIncident": "Traffic Event", "picInPic": "PIP", "correction": "DPC(Defective Pixel Correction)", "cancelCorrect": "Cancel DPC", "name": "Name", "point": "Point", "line": "Line", "fireSmokeDect": "Fire and Smoke Detection", "shipDetect": "Ship Detection", "thermometryAlarm": "Temperature Measurement Alarm", "thermometryEarlyWarning": "Temperature Measurement Pre-alarm", "thermometryDiffAlarm": "Temperature Difference Alarm", "thermometryOffLineAlarm": "Offline Thermometry", "faceComparison": "Face Comparison", "targetDetecion": "Target Capture", "sameSQAnswerTips": "The question can not be the same.", "noData": "No data.", "areaCountry": "Area/Country", "nothAmerica": "North America", "world": "Other", "prevPage": "Prev Page", "nextPage": "Next Page", "faceScoreAlgName": "Face Grading", "plateType": "License Plate Type", "noResources": "Inadequate resources.", "china": "China", "europe": "Europe", "japan": "Japan", "defaultCountry": "default", "cannotOverlapped": "cannot be overlapped.", "perimeterCapture": "Perimeter Capture", "fullName": "Name", "province": "Province", "city": "city", "borntime": "Date of Birth", "certificateType": "ID Type", "certificateNumber": "ID No.", "faceLibrary": "Face Picture Library", "thresholdValue": "Threshold", "officerID": "Officer ID", "faceLibraryManage": "Face Picture Library Configuration", "faceLibraryName": "Face Picture Library Name", "remarkInfo": "Remarks", "unlimited": "Not specified", "bornPlace": "Place of Birth", "photo": "Picture", "IDCard": "ID Card", "searchPictureFailed": "Failed to search pictures.", "faceImagesNumError": "No more face pictures can be added.", "faceLibraryNumError": "The number of the face picture libraries has reached the upper limit.", "totalNum": "Total", "success": "Succeed", "failed": "Failed", "gender": "Gender", "overlapAge": "Age", "perPageShow": "Items per Page", "jumpTo": "Go to", "page": "Page", "list": "List", "uploadImg": "Upload picture first.", "imgPath": "Path", "birthStartTime": "Date of Birth: From xxx To xxx", "birthEndTime": "Date of Birth: From xxx To xxx", "importSucceeded": "Imported.", "importFailed": "Import failed.", "noMatches": "No results", "modelingStatus": "Modeling Status", "modelingStatusSucc": "Succeed", "modelingStatusFail": "Failed", "modelingStatusNone": "Unmodeled", "doFaceModeling": "Modeling", "doMultiFaceModeling": "Batch Modeling", "modeling": "Modeling in progress", "unModelingMode": "Modeling for all Unmodeled Pictures", "allModelingMode": "Modeling for all Pictures", "modelingLimitTip": "The device does not support face detection and face picture comparison while batch modeling.", "modelingProcess": "Modeling Progress", "getModelingProcessFail": "Failed to get the modeling progress", "noface": "No face in the picture", "faceSizeSmall": "The face is too small", "shadeFace": "The face is covered", "modelingResult": "Modeling Results", "reason": "Reason", "faceDataModeling": "The device does not support concurrent operation while picture modeling", "similarity": "Similarity", "getModelingResult": "Getting the modeling results…", "coverImport": "Reached the upper limit. Continue to cover the historical picture in order.", "uploadResult": "Import Result", "deleteAsk": "The deleted data cannot be restored. Continue?", "coverAllTip": "Apply to All Pictures (%s items in total)", "NoDataForModelingError": "No modeling data", "failList": "Failure List", "okAndRestart": "Yes,Reboot", "noContrastResult": "No results", "importProcess": "Import Progress", "contact": "Phone Number", "male": "Male", "female": "Female", "teenage": "Teenage", "youth": "Youth", "midlife": "Middle-aged", "faceDataAnalysisError": "Picture recognition failed.", "picAnalysisNoTargetError": "No targets found in the picture.", "faceDataPIDError": "Invalid face picture PID.", "faceLibraryIDError": "Invalid face picture library ID.", "faceLibraryDatabaseError": "Face picture library mismatches.", "checkCodeError": "Verification code error.", "faceLibraryError": "Face picture library error.", "multipleFaceObjectError": "Importing failed. Multiple faces are recognized. Enter the coordinate of interested face.", "subpicAnalysisModelingError": "Modeling failed. Import the face picture again.", "faceLibPicImportingError": "Importing picture into face picture library…", "picFormatError": "Picture format error.", "picResolutionInvalidError": "Invalid picture solution.", "picSizeExceedError": "Picture size must be within 6M.", "importFile": "Import File", "exportFile": "Export File", "passportID": "Passport", "webCloseTips": "Failed to connect to device, reopen the window.", "saveFailed": "Save failed.", "copySuccess": "Copy succeeded.", "deviceEncodingStreamOverload": "Encoding performance reaches its limit", "deicingLaserMutex": "The light supplement conflicts with the de-ice heater. Turn off the light supplement first.", "fireDetection": "Fire Detection", "sixthStream": "Sixth Stream", "seventhStream": "Seventh Stream", "eighthStream": "Eighth Stream", "ninthStream": "Ninth Stream", "tenthStream": "Tenth Stream", "streamNotExisted": "The stream is not existed.", "streamLimit": "Encoding performance reaches its limit.", "userPwdError": "User name or password error", "AsyncIPCPwd": "Use as Default IP Camera Password", "AsyncIPCPwdTip": "Use the password for IP cameras added via default protocol.", "syncIPCChannelPassword": "Use as IP Camera Password", "syncIPCActivePasswordTips": "Use the password to quick add IP cameras.", "basicConfig": "Basic Configuration", "noStreamSecretPlayback": "Stream is encrypted. Please set encryption key in local configuration and try again.", "badVerificationCode": "Invalid encryption key.", "securityActive": "Default IP Camera Password Management", "ipcActivePwd": "Default IP Camera Password", "useIPCActivePwd": "Use Default IP Camera Password", "onlySupportSubStream": "Multi-screen mode only accepts live view and playback at sub-stream. For any other stream type, please switch to single-screen mode.", "GUIDExportTip": "Note: The GUID file is very important which can help you to retrieve your password. It is highly recommended to export and keep the GUID file properly.", "displayCapturedPicture": "Display Captured Picture", "realTimeCapture": "Real-time Capture", "history": "History", "syncPlayback": "Synchronous", "asyncPlayback": "Asynchronous", "fileType": "File Type", "greaterthan": "Greater than", "lessThan": "Less than", "equal": "Equal to", "notEqual": "Not Equal to", "enableFaceContrast": "Enable Face Picture Comparison", "ID": "ID Card", "faceContrastConfig": "Face Picture Comparison", "fail": "Failed", "faceContrastLog": "Face Picture Comparison Log", "exporting": "Exporting...", "peoplePassingCount": "People Passing By", "fewerThan": "fewer than", "moreThan": "more than", "shorterThan": "shorter than", "longerThan": "longer than", "persons": "persons", "noneData": "No Data", "calculating": "Calculating...", "Display": "Display", "pwdCannotIncludeAdmin": "Password cannot contain ' admin '.", "pwdIncludeUser": "Password can not include the user name.", "areaCountingDetection": "Regional People Queuing-Up", "queueTimeDetection": "Waiting Time Detection", "completeAnalysis": "Analyzing completed.", "analysising": "Analyzing…", "notAnalysis": "Not Analyzed", "teacherBehaviorDetectConf": "Teacher's Behavior Detection Settings", "faceAttendance": "Face Attendance", "fireSmokeDetection": "Fire Detection", "targetLink": "Target Linkage", "responseTime": "Response Time", "PIP": "PIP", "mixTargetDetection": "Multi-Target-Type Detection", "faceModeling": "Face Modeling", "unopenedFaceSnapError": "Enable face capture first.", "illegallyPark": "Illegal Parking", "open": "open", "close": "close", "fogDetection": "Fog Detection", "tipChangeRegionOrWifiEnhance": "The device will reboot after changing the settings. Continue?", "tipChangeRegion": "The device will reboot after changing the area/country. Continue?", "browserNotSupportTip": "Your browser is not supported.", "browserSupportTip": "Use the latest version of the browser to access the web interface:", "synchronizeFOV": "Synchronize FOV", "clickToThermometry": "Click-to-Thermometry", "synchronizeFOVFirst": "Synchronize FOV first.", "illegalStall": "Unregistered Street Vendor", "accessController": "Access Control Host", "videoIntercom": "Video Intercom", "OPTEX": "OPTEX Alarm Host", "Luminite": "Luminite Alarm Host", "GJD": "GJD Alarm Host", "cameraDetector": "Turbo Link Camera", "recordfailedBynotSupportStream": "Recording is not supported when Smooth Streaming is enabled.", "adaptiveStreamNotEnabled": "Smooth Streaming is not enabled.", "adaptiveStreamAndVariableBitrateEnabled": "Smooth Streaming can’t be used together with variable bitrate, SVC or MJPEG.", "fieldThermRegionErr": "Retry within the field that thermometry is supported.", "thermometryRegionOverstep": "Face detection region exceeds the thermometry region (red frame), try again.", "EmailCheck": "E-mail Verification", "noSecurityEmailTips": "No reserved e-mail address exists. You cannot use this way for verification.", "accountSecuritySetting": "Account Security Settings", "noRecongnizeUSB": "No USB flash drive is detected. Insert USB flash drive again. ", "noSetSecurityEmail": "Security E-mail address is not set.", "unopenedHighResolutionMode": "Ultra HD resolution mode is disabled.", "accessFroDeviceParamFailure": "Failed to get channel parameters.", "accessFroDeviceStreamFailure": "Failed to get stream.", "tooSmallQuota": "Quota space is too small.", "emailFormatError": "E-mail format error.", "securityCodeFormatError": "Security code format error.", "inputPwdRegexTips": "8 to 16 characters allowed, including upper-case letters, lower-case letters, digits and special characters (!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ space). At least two of above mentioned types are required.", "inputNameRegexTips": "Digits, lower-case letters, upper-case letters, and special characters (!#$%&'()*+,-./;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~ space) are allowed.", "safetyHelmetDetection": "Hard Hat Detection", "greaterthanorequal": "More than or Equal to", "lessthanorequal": "Less than or Equal to", "fisheye3dSpread": "Half Sphere", "browserNoSupportTips": "QR code preview not supported. The Web browser version is too old. Please click Export to export the QR code.", "exportQrCode": "Export QR Code", "moreConfig": "More Configure", "previewPerformanceLackTips": "The current encoding resolution has exceeded control's decoding capability.", "playbackPerformanceLackTips": "The current recoding resolution has exceeded control's decoding capability.", "pictureDeleted": "The picture is deleted.", "daysUnit": "d", "hoursUnit": "h", "minutesUnit": "min", "personUnit": "person(s)", "certificatesNotCreate": "Fail to enable the function. Create a certificate on HTTP page and try again.", "enableFaceBiopsy": "Enable Liveness Detection", "validImageType": "Only JPG and JPEG files are allowed", "baseOriginResolution": "Original Ratio", "mirrorAndEISEnabled": "Mirror and EIS can not be enabled at the same time.", "deletingFailedTurnOffHTTPSEnhancedSDKWebsocketsFirst": "Deleting failed. Turn off HTTPS, Enhanced SDK Service and Websockets on Network Service page first.", "deletingFailedTurnOffHTTPSEnhancedSDKFirst": "Deleting failed. Turn off HTTPS and Enhanced SDK Service on Network Service page first.", "exposureTimeTooBigInModeP": "The exposure time should be no more than 1/25s and disable the defog function.", "exposureTimeTooBigInModeN": "The exposure time should be no more than 1/30s and disable the defog function.", "fisheyeARSpread": "AR Half Sphere", "downloadDirectX": "DirectX not detected on your Windows system and the fisheye software decoding cannot display the live view.
Please download the latest DirectX from the Microsoft website(%s) and try again.", "mailbox": "E-mail", "traceLinkageFail": "Pattern linkage failed. Please set the calibration first.", "twoWheelVehicle": "Cart", "threeWheelVehicle": "Tricycle", "generalParams": "General", "closeQuickConfig": "Close", "quickConfig": "Quick Setup", "passwordTsAboutToExpireTips": "Your password will expire soon. Please change.", "passwordHasExpiredTips": "Your password has expired. Please change.", "goLoginPage": "Jump to xxx after 3 s.", "loginPage": "Login Page", "exporttxt": "Export txt", "exportcsv": "Export CSV", "noPluginLowTip": "Not enough decoding resource. Please download the local server plug-in and try again.", "noLocalDownloadTip": "Note: You have not installed the local server plug-in. Please install it and try again.", "noTipNext": "Do not show this message again.", "goLoginPageTip": "Login timeout,Jump to Login Page after 3 s.", "userVerification": "User Verification", "pluginDownload": "Download Plug-in", "noDoubleVerificationUser": "No double verification user.", "updatePluginNew": "A new version of plug-in is available. Outdated plug-in may restrict certain functions. Update now? ", "codeGetType": "Get Verification", "appScan": "App Scan QR", "exportOnlyQrCode": "Export QR Code", "appScanStep1": "1. Please download Guarding Vision app to scan the QR code.", "downloadApp": "(Have not downloaded Hik-Connect app?)", "downloadAppTitle": "Download Hik-Connect App Through QR Cod", "appBrowserNoSupportTips": "Your browser is outdated and does not support QR code preview.", "reservedMailbox": "Password Recovery via E-mail", "emailResetPwdTipsStep1": "1. Click Export QR Code and save the code to local.", "emailResetPwdTipsStep2": "2. Send the code to %s as an attachment.Your email account for password recovery will receive a verification code in 5 minutes.", "emailResetPwdTipsStep3": "3. Input the verification code in the text field below.", "reservedEmailTips": "Set an e-mail address to receive verification code for password recovery.", "privacyPolicyForReservedEmail": "To recover password via e-mail, you will need to provide your email address and other requested information to Hikvision. For details, please see our %s and read carefully. By clicking \"OK\", you acknowledge that you fully understand and agree to the terms and conditions. If you disagree, please close the page and choose another method.", "checkMethod": "Verification Mode", "leavePosition": "Absence Detection", "peopleNumChange": "People Number Exception", "violentMotion": "Violent Motion Detection", "sleep": "Sleeping Detection", "leavePositionAndSleep": "Absence and Sleeping", "openMixedTargetWindowTip": "Enabling Display Captured Picture failed. Please uncheck Enable Protected Mode in your browser, or click Trusted Sites to add the website to the trusted website. And restart your browser to try again", "emailResetPwdStep1": "1. Export the QR code, and send it to %s as attachment.", "emailResetPwdStep2": "2. You will receive a verification code within 5 Mins in your reserved e-mail %s after the request is sent.", "emailResetPwdStep3": "3. Enter verification code into the following text field.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", "restartLater": "Restart Later", "disableApp": "Disable", "manualPTZLock": "The panoramic camera is locked now. Unlock the camera on the Panorama Tracking page first.", "openMixedTargetWindowTipIe11": "Make sure your browse version is above IE11.0.9600.17843 to use Display Captured Picture normally.", "openMixedTargetWindowTipIeLess11": "Update your browse version to IE11 to use Display Captured Picture normally.", "emailAddr": "E-mail Address", "intelligentTrafficMutexWithHighFrames": "To use 50 fps or higher frame rate, all functions in Traffic Event, Enforcement, and Traffic Data Collection should be disabled first.", "trafficSceneSheduleMutexWithHighFrames": "To use 50 fps or higher frame rate, Scene Auto-switch should be disabled first.", "autoLowerFrames": "If enabled, the camera automatically adjusts the frame rate to a value lower than 50 fps.", "appScanStep2": "2. After the QR code is scanned, your reserved email %s will receive a verification code within 5 min.", "securityControlPanel": "Hikvision Alarm Host" }